Rocks,Glass and Brass

  •           April 21 09    A


    carving I made from bone found on beach

    carving with clay molds   


    a couple of face beads of the carving    

   NEXT I made new molds  tooled the face features deeper and bent the molds like a taco     

   Result....  improved   features and rounded face                                           

  MAY 3 /09  I   can now  work on a necklace using the face beads .    I have started with this red glaze that has a yellow  in it  .    

    end product to follow 


      Dolphin bead                           orange glaze                                                                                                                                                  


 The blue bead under the face bead  the blue is from these blue crystals they give a very rich color with that whitish edge the face bead has matchimg blue glaze..........on the right........  These are blue glaze on ivory slumped hot like a jelly bean and rolled around then formed ,giving they greys       and soft blues ......... 


budda  beads                               May 8/09  Hot Brass star  



May 16/09    Multi color  a product of the gas used  

[it's just  ivory , green]  and  a process 

,Nov.09      NEW  FACE  air dry clay                             

    the Face Beads from the head above

    Budda and body....... I have been doing this layered  style using glaze and black glass on ivory base

    this is the back of the three Face Beads above   with orange glaze ,black and red glass on ivory base. Also hot brass caps .

    Hot Brass Star 

Wil Pelfrey
Sea Level Beads
P O Box 136
Brentwood Bay , BC V8M 1R3

Phone: 250 883 9717


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